Pera This is a neighborhood that makes you think you are in a time tunnel. Its history is also quite remarkable.
Although the Pera Region seems to have developed during the Ottoman period, the real change resulted from the active life in Galata. The region was known as Pera Vineyards in the 14th century. The effect of the change that started around Galata on Pera, in 1481 II. It grew a lot when Bayezid had the Galata Palace School (Mekteb-i Sultani) built. Later, in 1491 Galata Mevlevihanesi was built. These two important structures caused the attention of foreign embassy officials to turn to that region. And so, in a move that would change the fortunes of the region, the French Embassy took its place in Pera. Netherlands, England and Sweden followed, and the region became the center of the West.
Thus, the district, which was once full of vineyards and gardens, and was visited by monks who came to monasteries for seclusion, became the Paris of the city. Let's add a quick note here. The ruins of some of the monasteries mentioned are under the Galata Mevlevi Lodge and Kadirhane Lodge.
The word Pera means "on the other side" in ancient Greek. When the district was first established, it was called by this name because it was in a separate place from the Sultanahmet and Golden Horn surroundings, which were the center of the city.